Announcement and a miracle!!

8 Jul

Hello πŸ™‚

Thank you all for asking to make sure I was alright after my accident!! Thank God I am fine! I was a little sore for a few days, but nothing a few advil and rest couldn’t fix! The insurance people are being extremely helpful, and hopefully my dear sweet car will be as good as new soon!! I hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July!! Mine was great! I was a able to snap a few pictures with the family…enjoyy! πŸ™‚

Me and my brothers!!

My best friend and brother!

My sister! πŸ™‚

I have an announcement to make!! Lord willing, I am going to be running a half marathon in October!! I’ve never done anything like this before, but I’m so excited about it!! This is coming from the girl that feels like she’s dying after running 2 miles on the treadmill at the gym! But, I feel strongly about accomplishing this! So, I’ve downloaded myself a training plan and I’ve already started. Tuesday I ran 3 miles straight!! (Quite a big accomplishment for little ‘ole me!!) I warmed up and cooled down walking a quarter of a mile, so my work out looked like this…

I was pretty happy with the result! Yesterday, I ran 3 miles again, and surprisingly I found it less painful. After running, I headed into Bodypump. It had been awhile since I had lifted weights, and definitely had some sore muscles this morning. This afternoon, I took a spinning class with my friend Katelyn. OUCH!!! It’s safe to say that every part of my body is currently in pain!! (Nothing a little ice cream can’t fix!) I’ll definitely keep you posted on the training for my half marathon! If you’ve ever run anything like this, or have any advice…I’d LOVE to hear! Thanks!! πŸ™‚

On a completely unrelated note, I woke up this morning, made my coffee and headed outside on the deck to spend time with my Savior. I absolutely adore spending time with God outside! It’s great! As I sat down and took the first sip of my coffee, I realized something….I woke up this morning!! I know what you’re thinking…duhh Chelsea, you wake up every morning! But for some reason, it struck me that God sustains me all the time! Not just when the tears are falling, and my heart is breaking! He cares for me and watches over me all the time! Even something as simple as waking me up in the morning! I praised God for the miracle of another day of life as I sat on the deck spending time with Him! I encourage you not to miss out on the seemingly “common” miracles that happen all the time! Thank God for the things you normally don’t think to thank Him for!

Question: What are some “common” miracles that you can praise God for?

Any advice for me as I train for my half marathon?

One Response to “Announcement and a miracle!!”

  1. katelyngarlow July 8, 2011 at 2:56 am #

    a few things…
    a: those are really cute pictures of you and your family
    b: my body is on fire.
    c: and I mean burning h*** fire.
    d: training for half marathon-back before I busted myself up the hardest part was the days you didn’t want to do it. Even if you don’t feel like running, even if you feel like crap DO IT! If it calls for three miles and you absolutely cannot run those three miles, walk them, but still DO THEM! If you give up one day, you will give up all days!

    and now that this novel is over… I am going to bed. πŸ™‚ xoxo

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